We are deeply saddened and are praying over the synagogue shooting in San Diego, CA.
“Poway Synagogue Shooting Victim Lori Gilbert-Kaye, ‘Woman of Valor,’ Saved Rabbi’s Life”– Fast Forward
“Lori Gilbert-Kaye, who was killed in the attack at a Chabad synagogue near San Diego, is credited with jumping in front of the synagogue’s rabbi to shield him from the gunman’s bullets.”
“Calling the Sri Lanka Bombing Victims ‘Easter Worshippers’ Shows Just How Afraid We Are to Admit that Christians are Under Attack”– The Telegraph
“Even those of us whose faith is less a rock, more a comforting pebble, could enjoy belting out, ‘Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son.’ But not this year. Some wiped away tears as they sang. News had filtered through. Five thousand miles away, another Calvary. In Sri Lanka, hell had broken loose.”
“Is there anything wrong with multi-faith events?”– Solas
“In our increasingly divided world, some people think the way to bring people together is to promote multifaith events, which try to blend different religious traditions together. In this new.
SHORT ANSWERS video, Andy Bannister, himself a veteran of decades of Christian-Muslim dialogue, explores why this approach is profoundly unhelpful—and shows how there are far better ways to unite people without ignoring the major differences between them.”
“What’s Behind the Rise of Anti-Abortion ‘Heartbeat Bills’?”– BBC
“A slew of states have introduced new anti-abortion legislation that would ban the procedure as soon as a foetal heartbeat can be detected. What’s behind the push – and the backlash – for these bills and what exactly do they mean for women?”
“Jesus Was Not a Palestinian”– The Stream
“Let’s set the record straight. Jesus was a Galilean Jew, not a Palestinian Muslim. He celebrated Passover, not Ramadan, and he was called ‘Rabbi’ not ‘Imam.’ His followers were named Yaakov and Yochanan and Yehudah, not Muhammad and Abdullah and Khalid. And he himself had one of the most common Jewish names of the day: Yeshua.”
“Are Evangelicals More Altruistic than Other Groups?”– Christianity Today
“We have hard data about just how much altruism is practiced by Americans from all religious affiliations.”
“Only Messy People Allowed: Toward a Culture of Grace”– The Gospel Coalition
“I’m not sure we really believe in grace. We do, in the sense that we teach it and assent to it in our confessions. But perhaps we don’t, in the sense of really living it.”
“Things That Matter: The Pastor as a Counselor”– CalvaryChapel.com
“One of the most important aspects of pastoral ministry is counseling. Pastors Brian Brodersen, Richard Cimino and John Hwang discuss the calling pastors have to give biblical instruction and advice, as it is an opportunity to connect people to the gospel. Brian, Richard and John establish clear definitions and terms that surround the idea of the pastor as a counselor, and much more, on this new episode of ‘Things That Matter.’”
The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. CalvaryChapel.com does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.