Theology The Early Church: The Danger Within Christians often say that whenever a great work of God or a move of the Holy Spirit is taking place, there are sure to be…Jasmine AlnuttSeptember 1, 2017
Culture The Early Church: Catering to the Culture? “We need to adapt the Christian message to the way things are in society today!” How many of us have heard this statement? With issues…Jasmine AlnuttJune 14, 2017
Discipleship The Early Church: How Christianity Revolutionized Work Ethic One of the most powerful evidences of a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ is the fruit that is produced in our lives—the practical outworking of…Jasmine AlnuttApril 27, 2017
Culture The Early Church: How Christianity Revolutionized the Depravity of Roman Culture Enjoy part two of this series on the Early Church! Also, read the first part on "How Christianity Revolutionized the Sanctity of Life" One of…Jasmine AlnuttMarch 28, 2017