"Why We Need Religion"– Prospect"Stephen Asma, an agnostic, argues powerfully that religion is natural and beneficial. Is it such a leap to believe that it…
"The Kalam Cosmological Argument Defended In A Peer-Reviewed Science Journal"– Wintery Knight"Unless we are to assert that the universe simply sprang into being uncaused out…
"John Crist Cancels 2019 Tour Dates After Reports of Sexting, Harassment, Manipulation"– Charisma"According to multiple sources, Crist has exploited his Christian reputation and platform to…
Did you know we have a collection of podcasts available on CalvaryChapel.com? Our vision is to cover topics in theology, culture, ministry etc. that pertain…
"Best of Series: Marijuana and Christians"– CalvaryChapel.com"On this 'Best Of' episode, Pastor Brian Brodersen and toxicologist Dr. Lu Wing discuss legalized Marijuana, the cultural questions…
"Should The Church Embrace Kanye West?"– CalvaryChapel.com”By releasing this album, Kanye is presenting the most controversial subject ever to the world, the media and the…
"Anger at Archbishop Glenn Davies for Saying Anglicans Should Believe What Anglicans Believe"– MurrayCampell.net "Outrage is one of the few certainties of our age. At…
"Church Finder"– CalvaryChapel.com"If you are looking for a Christ-centered church, visit our Church Finder to view churches in your local area!" "The Most Diverse Movement…
"Living Grace: An Unexpected Mission Field"– CalvaryChapel.com"As we begin a new season of “Living Grace,” host Cheryl Brodersen invites guest Miray Jaksa to share about…
"Best of Series: Rick Warren & The Controversies Surrounding His Life & Ministry"– CalvaryChapel.com"Join us on this “Best of Series” as we highlight key episodes…
We are praying for the Wilson family and Harvest Christian Fellowship: "Hope Gets the Last Word"– Greg Laurie"In this webcast, Pastor Greg Laurie shares a…