Christian Living The Mark Challenge: New Bible Study with Cheryl Brodersen New Summer Study with Cheryl Brodersen! Ladies! We are taking up The Mark Challenge, a short daily devotional that will carry us through the summer!…Cheryl BrodersenMay 14, 2020
Ministry & Leadership Spirit-led Preaching in a Changing World: Upcoming Interactive Webinar The world as we know it is always changing. We have all experienced that recently with the COVID-19 crisis. In order for us to preach…Expositors CollectiveMay 9, 2020
Christian Living Three Principles in Pursuing God How do you have a decent quiet time? What does one do? And most importantly, why even do it? George Mueller, who sustained his orphanages…Rob DingmanFebruary 13, 2018
Christian Living How Does a Believer Follow Jesus? “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from…Corby StephensNovember 7, 2017
Culture New Series – “Church Van” – With Hosts Riley Taylor & Jared Brian, Featuring Pastor Brian Brodersen We are excited to announce a new series titled Church Van with hosts Pastor Riley Taylor & Jarryd Bryant. Enjoy interviews on the road with…Riley TaylorSeptember 28, 2017
Theology The Trinity and the Christian Life "…And truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ" (1 John 1:3). In the last article, I spoke of how…Keith FortenberryJuly 8, 2016
DiscipleshipMinistry & Leadership How to Respond to Distraction as a Pastoral Leader This is a message to pastors and those involved in church leadership, but I believe it is relevant to us all! We experienced a new…Phil MetzgerApril 4, 2016