Denisa Stanciu – Calvary Chapel Encourage, Equip, Edify Tue, 29 Mar 2022 19:33:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Denisa Stanciu – Calvary Chapel 32 32 Fiction, Saviors and Reality on This Christmas Sat, 25 Dec 2021 16:30:00 +0000 Fiction We love fiction, don’t we? We love to see how in the middle of the fight between good and evil, when evil seems to...]]>


We love fiction, don’t we? We love to see how in the middle of the fight between good and evil, when evil seems to prevail, a savior comes who defeats the enemy, rescues people, and makes life prosperous again.

Lately, there has been an increase in fiction movies and TV series, with plot lines which foretell the coming of a Savior who can deliver people from their oppressors. Usually the story goes like this: the characters are suffering, they’re fighting an enemy too strong for them, but they’re awaiting someone who can save them and defeat the enemy.


That someone is usually pictured as the savior, whose birth is foretold and whose power is greater than anyone else’s, even the enemy’s, no matter how powerful the latter might be. Word of his existence, of his come into being, brings hope to a people who’s lost all hope, subjugated and despairing of life, with no way out. Hope that someone can help them, save their land and bring restoration and joy again.

The story then goes on showing a process through which the savior goes, of acceptance – of his purpose and power – and of action – fighting the evil forces and crushing the enemy, delivering the people and bringing joy to the land.

Why do we love the picture of a Savior? What makes it so attractive? I believe the answer is this: our own longing for a savior. Our heart’s cry is to be loved in spite of our flaws, to be accepted in spite of our imperfections, to be forgiven in spite of our mistakes. And most of all, to be forgiven our sins. We long for a savior.


We love this picture because spiritually we are in a helpless and hopeless condition. But a Savior has come in our dark world to be that! Jesus is the great Light that pierces our darkness! Look at this prophecy of old:

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone (Isaiah 9:2).

We are those who walk in darkness, who dwell in a land of deep darkness, but on whom the Light has shone!

The Son of God, incarnated, holy and pure, came into a world of hatred and sin, which was once perfect but now is tainted by sin. The Light has shone on us! And the good news is that Jesus wasn’t just a man who was born, who suffered and died, but He suffered, died and rose again, who now has immeasurable power to rescue us and all those who walked before or will walk ahead of us. He is our Savior! He is the One whose birth was prophesied long ago:

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).

I pray this Christmas you’ll rejoice in the reality of the great wonder brought by the coming of the baby in the manger, who pierced our darkness and now lives victoriously! He can bring light into every corner of our being.

Oh come Emmanuel,
Come and fill
the void I feel,
the void that is too real
and always cries: “I’m here, I’m here!”
Oh come Lord Jesus,
For too long I sought
a place
to find that kind of love
that overflows
even in my darkest nights,
but could not attain its heights.
Oh come and take
my sinful thoughts
and what I cannot overcome,
the inner evil that comes out
because I’m a mortal one.
Oh come Emmanuel,
into my little world
and be the Savior
who can redeem and fill
what’s been lost for real.
Come and be my Light, my all,
Oh Savior of the world!
