Cheryl Brodersen – Calvary Chapel Encourage, Equip, Edify Fri, 06 Oct 2023 17:46:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cheryl Brodersen – Calvary Chapel 32 32 Remembering My Father, Pastor Chuck Smith Tue, 03 Oct 2023 06:00:49 +0000 ]]>

October 3 catches me unexpectedly every year. It is a bittersweet day. On the one hand, I am so thrilled that my father is where he has always wanted to be—with Jesus, whom he cherished all his life and with his beloved brother, his mother, my mom, his family, and with the majority of the congregants that he ministered to in his lifetime.

All the aches and pains he endured on earth are over, and no doubt he has the restoration of the full head of dark curly hair he mourned the loss of on earth.

However, on the other hand, there is no one like my dad. He was strong, protective, always gracious, kind, loving, truthful, fun, and filled with faith. I never once doubted my father’s love. I was always welcome and wanted in his company—always!

Every outing with my dad usually contained an approach by some stranger who recognized his distinct voice or face. They would share how much my dad had impacted their life for Jesus. Dad’s reaction was always the same.

He would hang his head slightly, his characteristic smile brimming across his face. Shaking his head softly from side to side, he would say, “Praise the Lord.” He truly treasured every encounter.

One of the questions I was asked most often as a child and then a young woman was, “What is it like to be the daughter of “Pastor Chuck Smith?”

Well, that was always problematic for me.

First of all, I did not have a criteria for comparison—my dad was the only dad I ever knew. Secondly, although I knew he was renowned as “Pastor Chuck Smith,” my relationship with him was as my dad! That relationship was unique, intimate, and personal.

I did not love him because he was famous, had baptized me (which he did three times—which is a delightful story in itself), I had listened to him on the radio, or because he garnered power as the pastor of a megachurch. I knew him well, spoke with him daily, and was blessed to be the recipient of his prayers, affection, affirmation, and acceptance.

As my dad, he was my hero, my confidante, my lead in serving Jesus, venturing out in obedience to Jesus, and the pure joy of serving Jesus! I simply never rebelled. I never wanted to break fellowship with my dad or bring any grief to his heart.

My thoughts brim with wonderful memories of times, conversations, escapades, and surprise explorations with my dad. Not a day passes that I do not think about my dad and mom. I have their photographs all over my house, on my phone, and especially in my heart.

One of the many memories I cherish is when I was nineteen. Because of a speeding ticket I procured on my way from college to Magic Mountain, I was due to appear in court in Ventura. This was no light speeding ticket. I was well exceeding the limit, and the officer who pulled me over was gracious enough to cite me as speeding at a lower speed so I would not receive a mandatory three-day jail sentence. I felt the full brunt of my guilt. I had confessed the ticket almost immediately to my parents. They were nonplussed. I was surprised. They had made plans to go to Hawaii the day after my court visitation, plans which included me.

My dad volunteered to drive me to Ventura. I expected a lecture. There was none. Instead, Dad told me stories about growing up (I always loved Dad’s narratives of his childhood) in Ventura. We drove around Ventura, putting visuals to his stories. The time drew near to go to court. We parked, stood in line at the clerk’s desk, and then received our appointment time to appear before the judge.

I was shaking as we entered the courtroom. Dad sat next to me and held my hand. I was so comforted by the strength, warmth, and tenderness of that loving hand! Soon enough, the bailiff called my name, and I had to stand alone before the judge. Dad had wanted to stand with me, but court procedure forbade it. So, Dad took a seat as close to the front and to me as possible.

The judge excoriated me, and I deserved every word he said. He told me that he had half a mind to throw me into jail just to teach me a lesson. He told me that I had endangered the lives of those in the car with me by such reckless speeding. He was right on all counts. I deserved the condemnation, the humiliation, and whatever fine he chose to meet out. With one last harsh look at me, the judge announced the sum of his fine, brought down his gavel, and dismissed me.

I turned toward my dad, tears streaming down my cheeks. Dad was preoccupied, engaged in some task. When I got closer to him, I realized that he was writing the check—the whole amount for my infraction. When he looked up, his face shone with his characteristic smile.

“We got this,” he whispered, as if he and I had received the ticket together. As the courtroom door closed behind us, Dad exclaimed, “Baby, let’s go to Hawaii!”

We turned in his check at the window and walked to the car. The whole way home, he talked about all the adventures and fun we would have in Hawaii (and we did). That was so Dad! He was so gracious, so kind, so loving, so forgiving.

Neither Dad nor Mom ever brought up my ticket again. On the plus side, that was the last driving ticket I ever received. I learned my lesson by grace. In fact, I learned just about every lesson from Dad by grace and love.

If there were a legacy that Dad left and would want anyone claiming association with him to follow, it would be the legacy of grace, love, and truth. I have tried to follow in that legacy, not by judgmental words, self-righteousness, or condemnation of others, but by asking the Holy Spirit daily to pour into me His grace, love, forgiveness, and truth.

Ka’ahumanu, Part 3 Fri, 10 Feb 2023 19:42:22 +0000 Robin has a personal affection for our unforgettable Woman Worth Knowing this week. During the decade that Robin lived on Maui, she saw the name...]]>

Robin has a personal affection for our unforgettable Woman Worth Knowing this week. During the decade that Robin lived on Maui, she saw the name “Ka’ahumanu” on a church, a shopping mall, and street signs. She began researching this extraordinary woman and found conflicting opinions over this powerful woman’s influence in the Hawaiian Islands. She lived during a period of vast change. Known as “the favorite” wife of King Kamehameha the Great, Ka’ahumanu held the role of “Kuhina Nui” or Queen. After his death, she ruled supreme during the reign of two of Kamehameha’s sons. The first company of New England Protestant missionaries arrived 11 months after her husband died, and by and by Ka’ahumanu put her faith in Christ alone. She was born in a cave before the arrival of Western contact, when human sacrifice was still practiced. Right before she died in 1832, she was handed the very first copy of the Hawaiian New Testament. As a result of many of her significant decisions, revival spread through the islands.

  • Ka’ahumanu: Molder of Change, by Jane L. Silverman, Friends of Judiciary History Center of Hawai’i, Honolulu, 1987
  • The Magnificent Matriarch: Ka’ahumanu, Queen of Hawai’i, by Kathleen Dickenson Mellen, Hastings House Publishers, New York, 1952

Online Sources

  • “KA’AHUMANU” (
  • “Kaahumanu (1777–1832)” (
  • “Kaʻahumanu and the Missionaries” (
  • “The Woman Who Changed A Kingdom” (
Josephine Grey Butler, Part 1 Fri, 06 Jan 2023 18:20:13 +0000 Josephine Butler was considered an activist and a liberal during her lifetime. She grew up in England in the 19th century and campaigned against discriminatory...]]>

Josephine Butler was considered an activist and a liberal during her lifetime. She grew up in England in the 19th century and campaigned against discriminatory laws against women. She also evangelized prostitutes and worked closely with the Salvation Army. She credited all she accomplished to the power she received daily from her active prayer life with the Lord.


  • “Josephine Butler (1828-1906)” (
  • “Josephine Butler” (
  • “International Abolitionist Federation” (
  • “Josephine Butler (1828 – 1906)” (
  • “Josephine Butler: The Victorian feminist who campaigned for the rights of prostitutes” (


  • “Josephine Butler and the Contagious Diseases Acts | Pioneering Women” (
  • “Who was Josephine Butler?” (
New Episodes of Women Worth Knowing Podcast! Tue, 18 May 2021 20:30:00 +0000 Edith Moules (1900-1949): In today’s episode, we will be introduced to a British nurse named Edith Moules, who served as a medical missionary in the...]]>

Edith Moules (1900-1949): In today’s episode, we will be introduced to a British nurse named Edith Moules, who served as a medical missionary in the Congo and witnessed a remarkable revival among the outcast leper communities in Africa. Yet that was not what she originally wanted to do! Join us as we walk with Edith through her journey of surrender to the Lord’s plans for her life, and the beautiful fruit that resulted. Her transparency and honesty, even concerning her flaws and weaknesses make her a relatable and remarkable woman worth knowing!

  • Mighty Through God: The Life of Edith Moules by Norman Grubb

Helen Roseveare (1925-2016): Today we begin a three-part series on the incredible story of Helen Roseveare, medical missionary and evangelist to the Congo. In today’s episode, we will look at Helen’s early life, including her upbringing in a distinguished English family, her difficult experiences and hardships as a teenager during World War II, and the moment she met Jesus as a medical student at Cambridge. Even before she began her training as a doctor, the Lord was using all of these remarkable experiences to prepare her for what lay ahead. So join us today and you will see why Helen’s story has been one of the most-requested on this podcast!


Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit

Women in Medicine Wed, 05 May 2021 15:37:00 +0000 Women in Medicine: Today we will be looking at not one, not two, not three…but SIX godly women who God used in remarkable ways in...]]>

Women in Medicine: Today we will be looking at not one, not two, not three…but SIX godly women who God used in remarkable ways in the medical field, both at home and abroad! We will be talking about women from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences–pioneer missionary doctors, the first Chinese woman doctor, and even the founder of modern hospice care! These are all definitely women worth knowing!

  • Her-Story: 366 Devotions from 21 Centuries of the Christian Church by Diana Lynn Severance

Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit

Ida Scudder Part 2 Tue, 27 Apr 2021 17:20:00 +0000 Ida Scudder (1870-1960): Today we continue with the fascinating story of Ida Scudder, the reluctant medical missionary who became a pioneer in providing medical care...]]>

Ida Scudder (1870-1960): Today we continue with the fascinating story of Ida Scudder, the reluctant medical missionary who became a pioneer in providing medical care to the women of India. “Dr. Ida” and her groundbreaking work inspired a generation of women after her who would bring the Gospel to India through their medical service. You won’t want to miss this story!

  • Dr. Ida by Dorothy Clarke Wilson


Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit

Ida Scudder Part 1 Tue, 20 Apr 2021 18:48:00 +0000 Ida Scudder (1870-1960): Ida Scudder came from a family of medical missionaries in India–but she wanted nothing to do with that life! Ida’s dream was...]]>

Ida Scudder (1870-1960): Ida Scudder came from a family of medical missionaries in India–but she wanted nothing to do with that life! Ida’s dream was to live in America, get married and live a comfortable life far away from the deprivation she had witnessed as a missionary kid. Yet the Lord had other plans for Ida, and used a stunning turn of events to change her heart. Join us today as we talk about the early life and calling of the irrepressible and vivacious Ida Scudder!

  • Dr. Ida by Dorothy Clarke Wilson

Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit

Edith Cavell Tue, 13 Apr 2021 19:02:00 +0000 Edith Cavell (1865-1915): As we continue our journey through women in medicine, we come to the fascinating story of Edith Cavell, a British nurse who...]]>

Edith Cavell (1865-1915): As we continue our journey through women in medicine, we come to the fascinating story of Edith Cavell, a British nurse who pioneered nursing in Belgium on the eve of World War I. Known for her kindness and compassion, Edith risked all to help wounded British soldiers escape from the Germans during the war. Not only did her courage inspired the English nation, but her sacrifice and forgiveness in the face of injustice offer us a beautiful picture of a Christ-like life.

  • Edith Cavell: Faith Before the Firing Squad by Catherine Butcher


Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit

Florence Nightingale Part 2 Tue, 06 Apr 2021 22:25:00 +0000 Florence Nightingale (1820-1910): We continue today with Part Two of the story of Florence Nightingale, the “Lady with the Lamp” whose medical work among the...]]>

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910): We continue today with Part Two of the story of Florence Nightingale, the “Lady with the Lamp” whose medical work among the British troops in the Crimean War made her famous in England and opened doors for her to become the founder of modern nursing. You won’t want to miss this one!

  • Florence Nightingale by Anna Revell


Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit

Florence Nightingale Part 1 Tue, 30 Mar 2021 17:54:00 +0000 Florence Nightingale (1820-1910): The name Florence Nightingale is practically synonymous with nursing…yet how did this privileged, well-to-do English woman become a pioneer in what was...]]>

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910): The name Florence Nightingale is practically synonymous with nursing…yet how did this privileged, well-to-do English woman become a pioneer in what was at the time considered a disreputable and ignominious occupation? Simply because she felt called by God to help people! Join us today for Part One of a two-part series on this fascinating woman whose gifts in mathematics and statistics helped pioneer modern nursing as we know it today!

  • Florence Nightingale by Anna Revell


Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit

Elizabeth Blackwell Part 2 Tue, 23 Mar 2021 18:48:00 +0000 Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910): It’s Part Two of the story of Elizabeth Blackwell! We continue with her amazing testimony of perseverance in the face of prejudice...]]>

Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910): It’s Part Two of the story of Elizabeth Blackwell! We continue with her amazing testimony of perseverance in the face of prejudice as she began her career as a woman doctor. At every turn, God gave her the insight and ability to handle opposition with grace, wisdom, and fortitude, and over time He opened doors for her to become a trailblazer in medicine both in America and in England. As you listen to her story, you will be amazed at what God can do through a woman who simply chooses to persevere in what He calls her to do!

  • The First Woman Doctor: The Story of Elizabeth Blackwell by Rachel Baker


Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit

Elizabeth Blackwell Part 1 Tue, 16 Mar 2021 17:15:00 +0000 Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910): Today as we launch our mini-series on women in medicine, what better place to start than with a two-part series on Elizabeth...]]>

Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910): Today as we launch our mini-series on women in medicine, what better place to start than with a two-part series on Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman doctor? Join us today as we begin the story of this determined Quaker woman who overcame constant opposition, prejudice, and rejection in order to attend an all-male medical school and begin to fulfill her calling from God to become a doctor.

  • The First Woman Doctor: The Story of Elizabeth Blackwell by Rachel Baker


Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit

Elizabeth Fry Part 2 Tue, 09 Mar 2021 16:54:00 +0000 Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845): Today we continue with Part Two of the fascinating story of Quaker social reformer Elizabeth Fry, looking at how the Lord launched...]]>

Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845): Today we continue with Part Two of the fascinating story of Quaker social reformer Elizabeth Fry, looking at how the Lord launched her into prison reform in England and abroad, and then extended her influence to everything from the field of nursing to care for the mentally ill! In spite of opposition, financial crisis and poor health, God gave this humble woman a platform among Parliament members, heads of state and royalty. Yet what did she always point to as the secret to her success? The power of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to transform lives!

  • Betsy: The Dramatic Biography of Prison Reformer Elizabeth Fry by Jean Hatton

Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit

Elizabeth Fry Part 1 Tue, 02 Mar 2021 17:32:00 +0000 Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845): Elizabeth Fry was such a significant figure in British history that she was featured on the five-pound note, and yet most people...]]>

Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845): Elizabeth Fry was such a significant figure in British history that she was featured on the five-pound note, and yet most people today don’t even know who she was…which is why we are doing a two-part series on her life! This little Quaker woman was known as England’s greatest prison reformer, but her influence extended well beyond that. Although she is considered a giant of social reform, she was a very “normal” woman like us–full of doubts, fears and insecurities. Yet in her weakness, the Lord would be made strong, as we shall see in today’s episode!

  • Betsy: The Dramatic Biography of Prison Reformer Elizabeth Fry by Jean Hatton


Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit

Sarah Yardley Tue, 23 Feb 2021 15:42:00 +0000 Sarah Yardley: Today we are delighted to have with us “live, in person,” our very own Sarah Yardley! Born and raised in Southern California, Sarah...]]>

Sarah Yardley: Today we are delighted to have with us “live, in person,” our very own Sarah Yardley! Born and raised in Southern California, Sarah and her family have been very involved at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa for many years. Yet six years ago the Lord called Sarah to Cornwall, England, where she has directed a major Christian outreach event called CreationFest and ministered on many levels in her local community and around the U.K. Join us for an encouraging and insightful discussion with Sarah on everything from the call of God to the work of God in the midst of a pandemic!


Join us each week for a lively conversation between author Cheryl Brodersen and history teacher Jasmine Alnutt as they explore the lives of well-known—and not so well-known—Christian women in history. Trust us—these are definitely women worth knowing! Visit
