Deconstruction is a growing trend in religious and philosophical circles. While many Christians have begun to address deconstruction, we don’t often engage with deconstructionist ideas…
Postmodernism may be today’s common thinking, but is that a good thing? In this episode, Brian and Aaron push past the facade of freedom postmodernism…
In this episode, Brian & Aaron begin to scratch the surface of a notoriously hard to define topic: postmodernism, specifically postmodern philosophy. While western culture…
"A Conversation on Class, Culture, Race and the Gospel"– Calvary Global Network"Aaron Campbell and Brian Brodersen discuss race, class, culture, the gospel message, and Aaron's…
Aaron Campbell and Brian Brodersen discuss race, class, culture, the gospel message, and Aaron's new book, Eyes That Seen Plenty, available now on: |…
"The George Floyd Trial and the Longing for Justice"– Russell Moore"A jury in Minneapolis handed down the verdict the entire country has awaited for almost…
"NT Wright: Why Jesus’ Crucifixion is a Fact of History"– Premier Christianity"New Testament scholar Tom Wright tells Justin Brierley why the crucifixion of Jesus is…
"The Equality Act, People of Faith, and Religious Freedom"– Christianity Today"I’ve written before on the Equality Act. As one who believes that all people are…
"The Next Step in Woke-Speak Exposes the Movement’s True, Bullying Nature"– New York Post"Manhattan’s elite Grace Church School recently issued a 12-page guide that takes…